Virtual Conference

Saved movie files of the talks so far are available at At the moment, they're just the raw, unprocessed and unlabelled saves at this point, postprocessing will follow later.

Presentation slides from some of the presenters are available at in Power Point and PDF format. Video streams from the older presentations can be found at the bottom of the streaming page, while conference pictures are available here and here.

The TransVision 2006 theme song by Charlie Kam is available [here]. The song combines Finnish classical and folk music. Also available is Marko Naumanen's TransVision music video.

Then there is the official TransVision 06 blog. Everybody's encouraged to post in it and use it for discussing the event - especially those who are actually attending the event. There will also be occasional updates from the conference organizers regarding the preparations. While no registration is required to read or comment on the entries, a LiveJournal account is needed to post new ones (register an LJ account here, post entries here). The blog can also be tracked by one of its web feeds - RSS, Atom or AtomAPI-enabled.